Study Abroad Adventure: Marlin in Paris

St. John's University student and Peter M. Flanigan Scholar Marlin is studying abroad in Paris. In her first few days, she explored the city and, of course, captured a photo by the Eiffel Tower.

Why did you choose this program and these countries?

Marlin: One aspect of St. John's University that stood out to me was their Western Europe Semester program. I first heard about this program as a high school senior, when I was deciding which college to attend. I remember reading its description and being enthralled with the idea of having this unique experience.

What do you hope to learn during this program?

Marlin: The prospect of studying in three different European countries sparked my interest, and I was hopeful that I would be able to do so. I'd always wanted to see Paris and other European cities, and this seemed like the perfect way to do so. With that in mind, I packed my bags, left the city I had lived in for most of my life, and embarked on my journey, hoping to learn more about myself and the world around me. 

How has it been going so far?

Marlin: One of the things that has impacted me during this trip is the difference in language. Despite the fact that I moved to the United States with my parents when I was three years old, I had never fully experienced the limitations of having a language barrier. I grew up speaking fluent Spanish and English, and those were the only two languages that I had encountered. Even after only a week in this program, I’ve already experienced how difficult it can be to live in a country where you don’t understand the predominant language. Many times on this trip I’ve relied on Google Translate as well as hand signals to convey what I was looking for. It has undoubtedly increased my appreciation for being bilingual. While I’m here, I hope to continue to experience different cultures and languages. 

My first week in Paris was jam-packed with new experiences, cuisines, and tourist attractions. So far, I've seen the Eiffel Tower (of course!), the Arc de Triomphe, the Palace of Versailles, and many other places. The Eiffel Tower was one of the first spots my friends and I visited, and it still feels surreal. Even looking at my photos at the tower, it doesn't sink in that I actually went there and it doesn't feel like I'll be in Europe for nearly four months. I'm not sure when it will really sink in, but for the time being, I'll enjoy the surrealness of it all. I am certain this experience will have a lasting impression on me. I can't wait to see new places and learn more about myself.