Students Join Inspirational Talk With Michelle Obama

By: Sunshine Ford Perez

The Mary Louis Academy '23

SSP students recently attended an exclusive women's seminar featuring Michelle Obama and hosted by SSP partner, BNY Mellon, and the Women's Forum. This special event showcased a conversation with the former First Lady and Valerie Jarrett, esteemed businesswoman and previous Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama. Here's what Sunshine, one of our student attendees, shared about the event...

The moderated meeting with former First Lady Michelle Obama was very motivational! She began by talking about her book Becoming and gave us insight into how she went about writing it. She then went on to talk about the struggles that women working in positions of power often face, sharing the metaphor of "a boulder on my head" as a perfect example of the challenges. Following this, she went on to tell us a story of when she asked her boss for different terms and changes to her current position and how shocked she was upon hearing him agree to them. Overall, I found the session with her to be incredibly inspirational and motivational to young women and girls like me who seek greater potential in their future careers.