A Message to Our Community About Our Response to COVID-19

A Letter From Debra De Jesus-Vizzi, Executive Director and SSP Alumna

Dear Friends,

Student Sponsor Partners continues to monitor the development of COVID-19, and we’re taking proactive steps to protect our students, team, and supporters. As the situation continues to rapidly evolve, our priority remains focused on the safety of our students and ensuring they have access to basic needs over the coming weeks. 

As we continue to provide quality education and mentorship services, we want to share the approach we’re taking to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. 

Helping Students in Need: We are actively working with students, schools, and social service agencies to ensure our most vulnerable families have access to basic needs at this difficult time. This includes food bank referrals and WiFi to continue learning remotely. You can support these efforts by donating to our Hardship Fund.

Telecommuting: Our physical office is currently closed, and all team members are working remotely. They are conducting interviews, student and mentor meetings, and other work-related conversations by phone or video. We have the technology to seamlessly work remotely for as long as may be necessary. 

Resources for Mentors and Students: We have shared tips and tools for both mentors and students to stay in touch, and for mentors to talk about the current situation with their mentees. Our team is always available to ensure these relationships grow even while unable to meet in person.  

Monitoring and Adhering to Public Health Guidance: Our decisions and actions to date have been informed by the guidelines provided by local, national, and international public health officials. We will continue to track and implement the most up-to-date recommendations as they are announced. 

Student Sponsor Partners is committed to doing everything in our power to ensure our vital work continues. Your support now is more critical than ever.

We will keep you updated on the latest developments around our response efforts. In unexpected times like these, we are so grateful for your ongoing generosity and support. Thank you, and we wish you and yours health and safety. 

Warmest regards,

Debra De Jesus-Vizzi, Executive Director and SSP Alumna