This school year is like no other, and we're grateful to our partner schools for ensuring our students had a smooth transition no matter the learning model (hybrid, remote, or in-person). To complement the efforts of our schools and to make sure our students don't miss a beat, we have expanded our program offerings to support their success. Here's a look at how we're doing just that!

>> Power of Mentorship: Mentorship is an integral component of student success and, now more than ever, our students need this extra person within their support system. That's why we've gone virtual to keep these relationships going strong. We've been hosting Zoom mentorship kickoff events since the summer months and have a calendar of virtual activities coming to our mentors soon!
>> College & Career Workshops: To support our juniors and seniors as they prepare for and start the college admissions process, our Academics Team has created curricula and workbooks to guide them. We've hosted virtual sessions for our senior students and mentors and have even had some help from our friends in higher education. In October, Columbia University held a virtual application and admissions workshop for our seniors, and we have two upcoming events including a student-led virtual tour of the campus! We've also been working with our corporate partners to host virtual college and career events for our upperclassmen -- including our friends at Global Infrastructure Partners, Viacom, Jefferies, and Deloitte (visit our blog here for reflections from students about their experiences!).
>> Academic Workshops: In line with our high school roadmap (click here to check it out!), we will also be hosting virtual events for our freshmen and sophomores to make sure they are on the right track for success. Heading into this school year, we hosted virtual high school readiness sessions for our incoming freshmen and will build on this curriculum for upcoming events.
We have also continued to respond to the immediate needs of our students and their families by providing references to fellow social service agencies and support via our Hardship Fund. This is all possible thanks to YOU!