By: Rene, All Hallows High School, Class of 2020
SSP senior Rene was on CBS This Morning talking about launching the first NYC chapter of Student Movement Against Cancer (SMAC), the nonprofit co-founded by his mentor. In honor of Mentoring Month, Rene shared more about how his relationship with Rob has evolved and impacted him.

Everything with Rob started in 2016 when I enrolled at All Hallows High School and SSP introduced me to my mentor. I never expected to have such an amazing person and relationship at the time. At the start of my junior year, our bond really grew and he shared his story about how he created SMAC, and I was interested in both the mission and vision and I decided to bring the program to All Hallows. Since that day, our relationship expanded not only from a school-related standpoint but also in how we can help those around us and in our communities.
SSP has impacted me in many ways, foremost by bringing Rob into my life. He is my mentor, role model, friend, and someone I will look upon as an adviser throughout my life. His story inspires me to keep moving forward, both in my education and our ultimate goal of expanding SMAC as we aim to raise funds to find a cure for cancer.
I know I have a mentor for life, and Rob and I still have a long way to go with SMAC, and we will be working together while I attend college to study business administration.