Top Left: Luciano, All Hallows High School
“SSP is a wonderful opportunity that has afforded me lots of support to accomplish my goals. I am very grateful for this program and it is very special to me because it always encourages and motivates me to do my best. As a result, I was awarded the Flanigan Scholarship to help me accomplish my goal of becoming an accountant.”
Top Right: Stephanie, Aquinas High School
“SSP has relieved the financial burden from my parents and allowed me to focus on my academics. It has also impacted my life by introducing me to my amazing mentor. Seeing that my mentor is a woman of color and has successfully created a career for herself, I aspire to do the same. I aim to enter the medical field.”
Bottom Right: Justin, Monsignor McClancy High School
“SSP is a truly wonderful program. I’m proud to be a part of it and always strive to succeed. SSP changed my life freshman year and it certainly has impacted me as I head into my senior year. Some words of advice: Work hard and focus on your studies, enjoy school and make friends, and you’ll succeed!”
Bottom Left: Natasha, Academy of Mount St. Ursula
“SSP has helped me find my path by providing an encouraging mentor and people I can express my hopes and concerns to. Wherever I go, whomever I meet, and the leader I am all has much to do with SSP. In college, I will collaborate with people in the science and writing fields. I look to give back to my community by sharing my knowledge.”