Growing Student Offerings To Support Their Success

Through the pandemic and virtual learning, SSP built out curricula to support students with the academic transition and challenges they were facing. This effort has since grown, including college admissions webinars and an upcoming session for our freshmen and sophomores.

- Summer Readiness Sessions: This summer, we hosted summer readiness programming to prepare our freshmen for the transition to high school and in-person learning. These sessions included interactive components and focused on learning styles, how to stay organized, and the concept of growth mindset.

- College Admissions Webinars: Throughout October, we hosted College Admissions Webinars for juniors and seniors, their mentors, and their families to discuss the pre-application process, application process, and ways to mitigate the cost of college. More college programming will be available to upperclassmen throughout the year, both through SSP and partner organizations, to ensure they feel well-equipped to enter their next academic journey.

- Making the Most of High School Webinars: This fall, SSP will be hosting engaging webinars for freshmen and sophomores, where we will reinforce growth mindset, being a part of their high school community, and making the most of the experience and opportunities. Dates to be shared with students, mentors, and families soon!

- Corporate Partnership Engagements: We continue to build on our corporate partner engagements including industry insights sessions, speed interviewing workshops, and more. If your organization is interested in getting involved in this way, please email

For more on what's upcoming, please visit our events page here.