By supporting quality education and mentorship, you make a gift that will last a lifetime and have a far-reaching impact.
We are incredibly grateful for the commitment of our donors to Student Sponsor Partners! Each gift is put to work immediately and effectively to support student success. Whether designated for a specific purpose or a general gift to be used where it is needed most, every gift is impacting youth directly and right in your community.
Student Sponsor Partners’ uniquely integrated programs set students up for success, but obstacles along the way can affect their outcomes. We know from our students that their families sometimes struggle to afford basic needs we take for granted – for example, food, shelter, and school supplies. We established a Hardship Fund to address these needs because we are wholly invested in the success of our students throughout high school and beyond. If you’re interested in supporting the Hardship Fund now, please click here.
Beth & Ravenel Curry Foundation
Bezos Family Foundation
Carson Family Charitable Trust
Richard & Lisa Cashin
Dee & Kevin* Conway
Futures in Education
The George Link, Jr. Foundation, Inc.
Global Infrastructure Partners
Goldman Sachs Gives
Amy & Jim* Healy
Hearst Foundations
Heckscher Foundation for Children
Inner-City Scholarship Fund
William Janetschek
Aloysius* (Ish) & Nora McLaughlin
Mother Cabrini Health Foundation
Kate & Robert* Niehaus
North Carolina Empowering Kids & Communities Foundation
Valerie* & John Rowe
Student Sponsor Partners
William E. Simon Foundation
The Achelis & Bodman Foundation
Altman Foundation
Kimberley & William* D. Anderson, Jr.
Bank of America
Scott & Roxanne Bok, The Bok Family Foundation
Robert* & Carolyn Brennan
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Champion Charities
Megan Flanigan* & Rick Swift
The Francesco & Mary Giambelli Foundation
The Levitt* Family
Lynne & Tommy* Mercein
Morgan Stanley
Henry W. Mulholland*
Chris* & Lori Niehaus
Piper Sandler & Co.
The Robert & Kate
Niehaus Foundation
The Schaftel Family
Ardian Foundation
Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, LLC
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Bill & Janet Dickey
John Donnelly
Susan* & James Dunne
The Equitable Foundation
Brigid S. Flanigan
Timothy & Luba Flanigan
Frederic C. Hamilton Family Foundation
Goldman Sachs & Co.
Hagedorn Fund
Andrew W. Horrocks*
Katherine & Rob* Huntington
Jefferies & Company
Amy & Daniel Jurkowitz
Colm Kelleher
Andrew & Eleanor Kimura
Steven B. Klinsky
Nancy Krane
Lincoln Fund
Steve & Amy Lipin
The Maddie Fund (The Chicago Community Trust)
Michael & Valerie McKeever
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Brian Reilly
Lora* & Jeffrey Robertson
Michael G. Santangelo Jr. Scholarship Fund
Stephen M. Schiller* & Elizabeth A. O’Brien
Nicholas Somers
Marilyn C. Stoeckle
John Stossel*
Debra & William Vizzi
Ricardo* (1999) & Natasha Watson
Monica & Jerome Wood
Michael Asmar
Baird Foundation, Inc.
Jonathan Bram
Brooklyn Jesuit Prep
Avery Brooks
Andy & Maryann Bugas
Elizabeth L. Carr
Joseph Cesare
Laura Chepucavage
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Chropuvka
Doug Cifu
Chris & Carla Concannon
Cornelia Connelly Center
Francis & Coughlin
Robert & Kathleen Coughlin
Patricia Nixon Cox & Edward F. Cox*
The Cypress Foundation
Danielle DeMaio
The Dinan Family Foundation
Tom & Maureen Dowling
Jane Eddy
Element Capital Management
Kevin Feng
Benjamin W. Ferguson
Robert W. Flanigan
Eric Friedberg
Craig J. Goldberg
Greenbacker Capital
James Gutow
Deborah Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin W. Hobbs
Linda Hsu*
Timothy Huestis
Brian P. Hull
Alfred F. Hurley, Jr.*
Hyde & Watson Foundation
Todd & Jessica Jacobs
Robert & Carola Jain
Matthew Janchar
Sonny & Michelle Kalsi
Frank Kenny
David Klafter
John Kucharczyk
Joan Lacagnina
Tom & Kathy Lamont
Renée & Carl Landegger
Larry Fitzgerald Foundation
Angelo Leondis
Allison Lucchese
Katherine & Peter* Lyon
Roderick B. MacLennan
Michael Maii
Denis Manelski*
Michael & Whitney Marriott
Nazar & Jennifer Massouh
Robert McCann
Helen T. Meates
Leland Melvin
Mary Jeanne & Matthew Miller
Mark & Mary Miller
Christopher S. Moore
Peter Niehaus
Northwell Health
Julie O’Neill
The Paul L. Martin Charitable Trust
Nancy Peretsman
Chuck & Carole Pieper
Alessio Pigazzi
Thomas S. Pluta
Adam Prestandrea
Robert Preti
Price Family Foundation
Rosemary Quaile
Rafferty Holdings
Charles & Diana Revson
Bret & Hanna Richheimer
William Roberts
The Robertson Foundation
Marc Rowan
Salim Samaha
The Scripps Family Fund for Education & the Arts
Rebecca J. Simmons
Jennifer & Albert Sohn
Nickolas Sophinos (1996)
Soraya & Robert* Spencer (1997)
Thomas J. Spoto
Joseph Steffa
Sudip Thakor & Joan Button
Alan Thomas
Owen D. & Jennifer B. Thomas
Paul D. Van Cura
W. P. Carey & Co. LLC
W. P. Carey Foundation
Jerome Wallace
Maren Winnick
Meryl & Chuck Witmer
Soofian Zuberi
G. Brad Aldrich
John J. Anselmi
Julie Ashworth
Laura Banderini
David R. Bell
Pedro Beroy
Mark Bezos
BlackRock Inc.
Tim & Karen Bock
Michael Brabant
Maury Bradsher
James & Nancy Buckman
Arthur Burke
Brian & Joy Burke
John W. Buttrick
Brian Carosielli
Anthony Cassano
Robert J. Castano
Justin J. Caulfield
Michael Cavanagh
Antonina Chao
Peter & Carolyn Chapman
Chris Cloud
Ross Cohn
Francis & Maura Comerford
Terrence & Maura Connolly
Thomas Cook
Michael G. Coyle
Edward J. Craig
Spencer Cross
Michael Daley (2003)
Jill Davis
Richard Deitz
Elizabeth A. Dennis
Daniel & Jennifer Driscoll
Michael Dryden
Seamus Dunne
Patrick & Trisha Duval
Kate Dwyer
Patricia & Alexander Farman-Farmaian
Elizabeth Fell
Carlos Fernandez-Aller
Elizabeth & Joseph Fineo
Fisher Brothers
Kathryn Foley Rafferty
Peter & Ellen Forlenza
Edward C. Forst
James Francescone
Larissa Gamarra
John L. Gardiner
Craig Gilbert
Jillian Griffiths & Jim Cusick
Matthew Guest
John Hayden
Brian Hoffmann*
Howard & Barbara Farkas Foundation
Ronald & Patricia Iervolino
Stuart Jenkins
Andrew Karp
Susan & Tim Kelly
Madeline Kerbel
Zuhair Khan
Jay Kim
Erika Kingetsu
Katharine & Robert Kirk
Jake Kirsch & Nicole Hildebrandt
Khahlil Kirtman
KKR Financial Holdings, LLC
Andrew Kluft
Tom Lee
Maureen F. Lewis
Lord Abbett & Co LLC
Amanda Magliaro
Sean Maher
Christopher Marinelli
Sarah-Marie Martin & Nick Brophy
Michael & Sarah McNulty
Neil Mitchell
Greg & Alex Mondre
Lee Morant
Richard Myers
Danny Nathan
Matthew Nicholls
Sarah Nolan
Jeannemarie O’Brien
Megumi Oka & Jun Makihara
Jordan Perlman
Frederic B. Powers
Barbara G. Raho
Rashaan Reid
Patric Reilly
Timothy W. Reilly
Michael & Gina Ricciardi
Laurie Rosen-Ritt
Gretchen & James Rubin
Manish Saini
George Salter
Matthew J. Sbrocchi
David M. Schlageter
Stephen Shapiro
Margaret Kaminski & Douglas Simons
Mark Sullivan
Morag Sutherland
James Sweeney
George Tasolides
Orianna Torres
Cesar Trevino
Heather Turner
Mary Ann & Lorenzo Vascotto
Nancy Vincent
Jennifer Witz
Goncalo Abecasis
Fola Adamolekun
Shveta Agarwal
Maria Akinyele (1999)
Oge Akyil
Dale Allsopp
American Express
Antonio Martez Photography
Barclays Capital
Daniel Barile
James Barrett
Florence Barricelli
David Barrish & Stacie Ferrentino
PJ & Kathy Barry
Madeline Baulig
John F. Baumann
Eileen Beairsto
Brad Bechtel
BentallGreenOak LimitedPartnership
Melvin Berning
Erik Bisso
Christopher Bolger
Robert Bonvetti
Joseph Brazzi
Roland Breitenecker
Laurie G. Campbell
Robert P. Carlson
Roseann Choi
Jennifer Chu
Classic Car Club Manhattan
Clearview Productions
Danya Cohan
Paula Cokinos
Shannon & Jack Conway
George Cooley
Doug Cornell
Michael Crane
Steven Cruz (2010)
Andrew Cuffe
Todd D’Agosta
Pete D’Amato
Dammann Fund, Inc.
Eileen M. Danser
Robert Debastiani
Casey DeLoach
Keith DeMatteis
Peter Denema
Carol Devine
Terence Digan
Michael S. Dinger
Tyler Drayton & Amelia Garnett
Marie Dulev
Brian Ender
Thomas Enright
Lili & D. Wilson Ervin
Scott Eskow
Chris Faicco
Matthew & Kate Feeney
Josephine Feldman
Philip & Jeanine Ferrone
Financial Communications Society
Mr. Fishman
Henry Flores (1997) & Veronica Lerner
Steve W. Fogarty
Grant Follansbee
Donna M. Fontana
Robert F. Fornes
Bill Foster
Ariel Frankel
Jorge Galindo
Lee White Galvis
Brian Gartside
Spencer Gilbert
Peggy Glanzman
James K. Glavin
Edward Gonzalez
Paul Gramieri
Betsy Graseck
Mary Grubert
Scott Halleran
Jay Hallik
Giovanna Hanks
Healey Family Foundation
Benjamin Hermann
Brett A. Hodess
Charles J. Honara
Rosalynn Hsu Cormier
Jon Hull
Robert Hum
Anh Huynh
Susan & Ken Hyde
Gregory Ingrassia
Jorge Iragorri & Lauren Imparato
Garret Jankowski
Lauren Jia
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Michael L. Kaicher
Scott Karnas
Jason Katz
Meir Katz
John J. Kennedy, Jr.
Maggie Kennelly
Gerard & Penney Klingman
Jennifer & Matthew Kraft
Jason Kramer
Drin* (2006) & Rialda Kukaj
Christopher Kung
Michael Kushner
Benjamin Kussin
Robert Leask
Darren Levy
Lance Lonergan
Christopher Looney
Nick & Carol Lopez
Thomas & Janice Luddy
Daniel Lundquist
Rony Ma
James J. Mahon
Vladimir Marcel
Jerry C. Marcus
Jimmy Margulies
Paul Marino
Matthew M. Masso
Maverick Enterprises NY, LCC
Moira McCloskey
Sean & McCooey
Alfred McKeon
McKinsey & Company Inc.
Metedeconk National Golf Club
Gregory Miesner
Ira Minsky
Amir Mohammed (1999)
Randy Moore
Eric Moore
Sumit Mukherjee
Anne Nelson
Joseph Neuhaus
New York Yankees
Tom Newberry
John Niccolai
William Nicklas
Justin Noto
Joseph Nugent
Ikechukwu Oji
Rory Okane
Jean-Paul Orillac
Jason Oshiokpekhai
Willard J. Overlock
John Park
Douglas Parker
Craig Pengitore
Arthur J. Peponis
Daisy Y. Pinero (1999)
Keith Pisani
Justin Polselli
Julia Powell
Caitlin Powers
Rick & Rhonda Press
Robert Pressimone
Damien Quinn
William Rahm
Maurice & Joanie Reznik
Lulica Rocha
Rockefeller & Company Inc.
Leslee & David Rogath
Rosenblatt Securities Inc.
Ryan Ross
Cory Rothman
Jay R. Ryan
John Sangervasi
Peter Schancupp
Kevin Schmidt
Alexander Schrantz
Jeffrey W. Schroeder
Mark Schultz
John T. Siegel
Nick Silvas
Carolyn & Joseph Silvestri
Gabby Sirazi
Craig Slater
Lena Smith
Joseph & Marianne Stineman
Peter Stone
Eleanor & James Stover
James T. Sugrue
Swiss Re Management (US) Corporation
Catherine Tantillo
TAO Group
William L. Taylor
Peter Tomasino
Yuen Tsang
Igor Vaysburd
The Veritable, LP
Leah Viault
Melanie Wambold
Warburg Pincus Foundation
Jonathan & Mollie Wiese
Tineka Witt
Richard Wong
Abbeline G. Wyman
Daniel Yi
Kenji Yoshikawa
Michael Young
The Achelis & Bodman Foundation
Altman Foundation
Amazon Smile Foundation
American Express
Antonio Martez Photography
Ardian Foundation
AT&T Inc.
Baird Foundation, Inc.
Bank of America
Barclays Capital
BentallGreenOak LimitedPartnership
Beth & Ravenel Curry Foundation
Bezos Family Foundation
BlackRock Inc.
Brew Watch Co.
Brooklyn Jesuit Prep
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Carson Family Charitable Trust
Champion Charities
Chevron Human Energy
Classic Car Club Manhattan
Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, LLC
Clearview Productions
Cornelia Connelly Center
The Cypress Foundation
Dammann Fund, Inc.
David & Elizabeth Ellis
Davis Polk
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
The Dinan Family Foundation
Element Capital Management
Empire Steak House
The Equitable Foundation
Financial Communications Society
The Frances & Benjamin Benenson Foundation, Inc.
The Francesco & Mary Giambelli Foundation
Frederic C. Hamilton Family Foundation
Futures in Education
The George Link, Jr. Foundation, Inc.
Global Infrastructure Partners
Goldman Sachs & Co.
Goldman Sachs Gives
Greenbacker Capital
Hagedorn Fund
Healey Family Foundation
Hearst Foundations
Heckscher Foundation for Children
Howard & Barbara Farkas Foundation
Hyde & Watson Foundation
Inner-City Scholarship Fund
J. McLaughlin
Jefferies & Company
Jersey Mike’s
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
KKR Financial Holdings, LLC
Larry Fitzgerald Foundation
Lincoln Fund
Lord Abbett & Co LLC
Macquarie Group Foundation
The Maddie Fund (The Chicago Community Trust)
Maverick Enterprises NY, LCC
McKinsey & Company Inc.
Michael G. Santangelo Jr. Scholarship Fund
Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Mother Cabrini Health Foundation
New York Yankees
North Carolina Empowering Kids & Communities Foundation
Northwell Health
Paypal Charitable Giving
Piper Sandler & Co.
PlayStation Cares
Price Family Foundation
Prudential Financial Inc.
The Robert & Kate Niehaus Foundation
The Robertson Foundation Rockefeller & Company Inc.
Rosenblatt Securities Inc. Education & the Arts
Student Sponsor Partners
Swiss Re Management (US) Corporation
TAO Group
The Veritable, LP
W. P. Carey & Co. LLC
W. P. Carey Foundation
Warburg Pincus Foundation
William E. Simon Foundation
You can make an immediate impact for at-risk youth in your community by giving via our online donation form at the link below, by phone at 212-986-9575, or by mailing a check to our office at 90 Broad Street, Suite 400, New York, NY 10004.
We also accept gifts of stocks and securities, via donor advised funds, and cryptocurrency, as well as coordinate matching gifts and helping you fundraise for SSP. Learn more below.
When you transfer ownership of long-term holdings to Student Sponsor Partners, you receive a charitable deduction for their full-market value – and you incur no capital gains tax (subject to IRS deduction limits). According to IRS regulations, the date of your gift corresponds to the date it arrives in our possession (for transfers from brokerage account to brokerage account).
DAF Direct enables you to recommend grants from your donor-advised fund through our website. DAF Direct currently facilitates grant recommendations from donors of Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, and the BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund.
We accept cryptocurrency donations. Please visit Crypto For Charity and select “Student Sponsor Partnership Inc. (Student Sponsor Partners)” under “Donate Crypto” to make a gift to SSP.
If you are 70.5 years old or older, you are eligible to make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA). With a QCD, you can transfer up to $100,000 each year to a charity. As a QCD is not taxed and is not included in your taxable income, a QCD is an excellent way to support SSP and minimize your tax liability. This is especially true for those 73 or older, who are subject to a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from an IRA account. Keep in mind that QCDs only apply to IRA withdrawals and not employer-sponsored plans, such as 401(k)s. We are happy to answer any questions at, and we encourage you to include this option in conversations with your accountant, lawyer, or financial advisor.
A planned gift allows you to create a legacy for New York City students for years to come. By making a planned gift, you maximize tax benefits for you and your loved ones and leave a lasting impact.
To learn more about planned giving, please contact us at
Extend your impact! Go a step further by sharing your support of Student Sponsor Partners with your networks! You can host a virtual fundraiser and encourage your peers to get involved on social media. We have toolkits available to make extending your impact simple and effective. Learn more here.
Does your company offer to match your gift? We’ll gladly coordinate with your matching gift program to double you impact for New York City students! Check below to see if your company has a matching-gift program.
All gifts make to our Donate page online are general donations to Student Sponsor Partners that go where they are needed most and advance all our work helping students from underserved communities reach their highest potential. If you wish to designate your gift to a particular purpose or fund, we will gladly coordinate with you.
The most common type of designated fund at SSP is sponsorship, which directly funds a student’s scholarship to attend a partner private, college-prep high school. To learn about becoming a sponsor, click here.
Student Sponsor Partners’ uniquely integrated programs set students up for success, but obstacles along the way can affect their outcomes. We know from our students that their families sometimes struggle to afford basic needs we take for granted – for example, food, shelter, and school supplies. We established a Hardship Fund to address these needs because we are wholly invested in the success of our students throughout high school and beyond. If you’re interested in supporting the Hardship Fund now, please click here.