Joshua Brown, Mount St. Michael Academy

My name is Joshua Brown, a rising senior at Mount St. Michael Academy. I love learning about mental health and chemistry. My journey with SSP so far has been incredible. During high school, they provided me with support and opportunities to explore my interests and curiosity. I focus on volunteering through my campus ministry in school, and I also love exploring philosophy through film. Going into my senior year, I hope to finish off strong while using my time to explore internships in the fields of healthcare and social advocacy. After high school, I plan to go to college and study neuroscience or biochemistry. I plan to use this knowledge to attend medical school and focus on healthcare, specializing in psychiatry or pediatrics!
Angelica Chavez-Downes, Preston High School

My name is Angelica Chavez-Downes, and I am a rising senior at Preston High School. I am a competitive gymnast and cheerleader, but in my free time I love to take photos. My SSP experience so far has been absolutely amazing and has provided me with endless support, encouragement, and opportunities. For senior year I am most looking forward to learning more about myself by applying to college and also having a more normal school year than the past two years. When I graduate college, I intend to be a registered nurse with a minor degree in business or go to graduate school to complete my end goal of owning my own worldwide nursing facility or taking a year to be a travel nurse!
Jake Diaz, Cardinal Hayes High School

My name is Jake Diaz, and I’m a rising senior at Cardinal Hayes High School. My experience with SSP so far has been very enlightening – I have learned many things from the extensive workshops that they provide. They have been a great help with things like my personal statement for college. Some things I'm looking forward to in my senior year are the college selection process and the acceptance process. I feel like that’s going to be a very nerve-racking yet exciting experience for me. Some goals I have for college include maintaining a GPA between 3.7 and 4.0; begin structuring my poetry book; try out for the rugby, soccer or football team; learn to play the saxophone and bass guitar and get into medical school. Some career goals that I have for myself are becoming a doctor, specializing in anesthesiology, and becoming a published poet/musician on the side or as a hobby.
Karen Rubio, The Mary Louis Academy

My name is Karen Rubio and I’m a rising senior at The Mary Louis Academy. Pleasurable pastimes I enjoy are dancing as well as watching true crime videos. Through these hobbies, I discovered my desire to enter the forensic field. SSP and the support it provides are truly unexplainable. This program has broken the cycle of being held back by financial burden for me. I have been able to create a strong bond with the SSP counselor at my school and she has helped mold me into a successful scholar. I have been able to acquire skills that will aid me as I enter my senior year. Skills that will highlight me as an SSP student in the college application process.