Every year, we invite juniors who have demonstrated academic excellence to apply for our Peter M. Flanigan Scholarship. This honor affords select students the opportunity to receive up to $10,000 in funds toward college tuition and a network of support. This year, we selected six Flanigan Scholars - noted below.
Melody, Cathedral High School

"My name is Melody. I am 16 years old, Bronx born and raised. I go to Cathedral High School where I am the senior representative on the Student Council. My favorite color is blue, and I love cooking, eating, and making friends. SSP has been so helpful to me; I enjoy speaking with my mentor and getting tips on how to excel in high school. I love the programs SSP offers to keep us ahead of the game all the time, and I love recommending SSP to others. I can’t wait for this senior year – it’s going to be epic! I am excited to make new memories and get into college. My dream is to get into an Ivy League school and become a pediatric surgeon. More than anything, I hope to find joy and happiness in everything that I do, and I am grateful to SSP for giving me the opportunity of a lifetime!"
Ashley, The Mary Louis Academy

"My name is Ashley, and I am a senior at The Mary Louis Academy. My passions lie in speech and debate, writing/storytelling, graphic design, and coding. As a result of these multiple interests, I can see myself pursuing various career goals in the future, such as journalism, screenwriting, architecture, and animation. I plan on utilizing my time in college next year to really pinpoint what my heart truly desires to do, but for now, I plan on applying to colleges that have a mix of almost all my interests. I am looking forward to not only enjoying my last year as a kid, in some sense, but I am also excited to prepare for the next big chapter of my life during my senior year. Without SSP, I would not be able to truly hone my interests at TMLA, as well as take advantage of opportunities that will ultimately help me grow in my bright future. SSP has allowed me to mature as a person and become vocal about the change I want to bring to the world."
Alessandra, The Mary Louis Academy

"My name is Alessandra and I’m a senior at The Mary Louis Academy. So far, my SSP experience has been great! I love spending time at the TMLA piano room learning new music. I’ve taken advantage of opportunities that SSP has sent out which have helped further my academic career. I’m looking forward to the senior privileges and my classes this year. My career goal is to be a neurosurgeon/study neuroscience and work at the best hospital/research center. I am excited for college and the opportunity to make connections in the medical field."
Daniel, Monsignor McClancy High School

"My name is Daniel and I currently attend Monsignor McClancy Memorial High School. My SSP experience has been a blessing and an amazing journey. Everyone I have met has been helpful and encouraging in my path to success. I have been given many opportunities for college goals and throughout high school that are blessings in my life. Now that I am entering my senior year, I look forward to learning and experiencing new challenges that can be beneficial for my future. I know that some obstacles may be difficult to overcome but my plan is and will always be to never give up. For college, I look forward to growing as an adult and a working citizen. I feel that going through college will help me prepare to face obstacles in the world. The quote “dreams without goals are only dreams” really hits home for me. I want to be a civil engineer and with motivation and a strong drive, I can achieve this dream and make it a reality."
Aaliyah, Cathedral High School

"My name is Aaliyah and I’m a senior at Cathedral High School. Receiving this scholarship is truly a blessing and I am so excited to work through the college application and decision process with the support of SSP. As someone who plans to make a difference in the world someday, scholarships like these that serve low-income students like myself are incredibly valuable to me. Being a part of SSP has made my high school experience worth the while. From the mentoring assistance to the SAT Prep classes and monthly College Access Sessions, I’ve gained so much guidance that has helped me prepare for senior year and the college application process. I look forward to completing applications in the fall but most importantly, applying to Columbia University. I hope to major in Financial Economics and minor in African American studies. After college, I aspire to become an entrepreneur and create businesses that will benefit marginalized communities in NYC."
Edgardo, All Hallows High School

"My name is Edgardo and I’m a senior at All Hallows High School. SSP has provided me with an unforgettable opportunity for success. SSP is a community of individuals that support one another. I’m looking forward to pushing myself to my abilities in my final year of high school. After high school, I intend to attend college and go on to get a master’s degree in accounting. My ultimate objective is to create my own tax agency and assist both large and small businesses in my community with their financial needs. In addition, I want to work as a real estate agent and invest in the stock market. Finally, I would like to bring and distribute positive energy across my whole community."