Melanie dreams of becoming a filmmaker.
With the support of Student Sponsor Partners, that dream is becoming a reality. Her guidance counselor at St. Jean Baptiste High School has fueled her creative aspirations, made possible with her SSP sponsorship.
Melanie is a senior at St. Jean Baptiste High School, pursuing a career in art and film. Her silent film, The Hands That Feed US, will be presented at our new Girls Talk Event on November 28th. The film will be the finale of the panel discussion followed by a few words from Melanie.

Adding to her already impressive resume and portfolio, she was chosen for last spring's NYU's Future Artists program. Her silent film, The Hands That Feed US, was created during her time in the NYU Tisch Future Filmmakers workshop.

It is without a doubt that she is on the track for a successful future in film. As a disciplined and driven sophomore, she was selected for the Drama League's New Visions/New Voices program. During the program, she had the opportunity to collaborate with professional actors and a student partner to realize her cinematic vision.
Recently admitted into The Ghetto Film School, she is paving her own path and SSP is proud to witness her incredible accomplishments.

Melanie and her father watching her original short film.