By: Taylor Thomas, Cathedral High School '21

Eden is a rising senior at Cathedral High School and a very bright and hardworking girl. She reaches high expectations and surpasses standards while accomplishing her goals.
Eden has been on the honor roll and keeps herself fully rounded with activities like cheerleading, boxing, and softball. Two of her favorite things to do outside of school are hair and makeup.
Eden expresses that “Student Sponsor Partners has helped me realize that I can be the best version of myself regardless of any circumstances,” Eden said. “The support from the program has impacted me in a positive way.”
Her favorite class at Cathedral is American Sign Language. I asked Eden what she enjoys most about Cathedral and she said: “I love how diverse Cathedral is and how engaged the teachers are with the students including the principal. Also, I like how the teachers really care about our futures”.
Eden takes necessary measures to be a model student by enrolling into programs that prepare her for the future. The programs she has been a part of include John Jay SAT prep, Medical Gateways, and Youth Boxing for Change.
She also stated “I have learned that juggling my home life, a job, sports, and school is tough. If you really want to excel in them, all you really have to do is focus and keep your head high because although it’s hard, you can definitely do it.”
Eden is an all-star student who is completely devoted to her academic life. No matter what hardships she may face, I know she will fearlessly overcome them and reach her dreams, and much of that is due to the support systems we have through Student Sponsor Partners and Cathedral.